Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy is a legal document that outlines a company's practices and procedures for collecting, using and protecting personal information of users for better services. This generally includes what information is collected, how it is used, with whom it is shared, and an individual's rights to access and control personal information. 

The purpose of a privacy policy is to inform individuals about how their personal information is processed and to provide transparency and accountability for a company's data practices. We have made our privacy policy to provide best services and best user experiences. The privacy of our users is extreme important to us. And we collect personal data information for users and our security reasons. 

Log Files

Log files are records to monitor website traffic and usage. They typically include information such as the date and time of each request, the IP address of the requesting client, the response returned by the server, etc. Log files are used for a variety of purposes, such as analysing website traffic and its usages, troubleshooting errors, and detecting security breaches and threats. 

We use log files to monitor the number of click on every links (internal and external) that are linked to our website. And by using this log files we try to monitor and control some users' illegal activities on our website for security reasons. And we also try to update our website as per users' need by using this log files

Google Double Click DART Cookies

The Google DoubleClick DART cookie is used by Google's DoubleClick advertising platform to provide and deliver personalized advertisements to users who have visited websites that use DoubleClick. It is used to track a user's browsing history and and their preferences in order to provide more relevant advertisements such as the types of advertisements and products that the user views or clicks on. And users can opt-out or turn off this DART cookie by visiting the Google Ads opt-out page on their browser or browsers. 

Google is one of our third party advertising partners. And Google may use visitor cookies to control illegal activity and deliver personalized advertising based on user experience. Although users can deny dark cookies and can control it through browser settings or through their Google account settings. On our website, you'll see Google advertising because we are connected with google advertise program.

Advertising Partners

We are connected with several advertising partners and in future, it is possible that we may join with more advertising partners. Advertising partner can use JavaScript, browser cookies or web signal to displayed best personalised ads to our visitors for better services. And these third party advertising partners may use users' IP address to display relevant ads according to users' interest. They sometimes can use users' Internet Protocol address to provide better services and it is one of the safest processes to monitors users' interest. Remember that we have no access to control these cookies used by third-party advertisers.

Children's Information

Our website is a safe site that ensures children's privacy and makes it our first priority. We never collect children's personal data when they use our website and our services. We have very strong policy that we never store any kind of personal data from kids who is under the age of 13. Although we don't collect or store any information of children but sometimes it is possible that we loose some information because of technical issue. So, we request to the parents, please monitor your child's online activities, and if you think that you lose any kind of information of your child or your children, then don't wait long to contact us and we'll try our 100% to instantly delete or permanently erase that data from our records.


By using our website, you hereby agree to our privacy policy and it's terms and conditions and disclaimer as well. In future we can change our terms and conditions and we'll inform those changes here. 

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