

We create this website to provide best information to users and for better knowledge purpose.  Sometimes we provide information that we collect from other sources in order to provide the best and most in-depth information, so that you don't have to go to another website for that information. Because some information we collect from other sources, so sometimes it is possible that some information may be wrong, even though we verify all information collected from other sources. 

And because of this we make no warranty as to the accuracy of this information, completeness and reliability. Any action you take based on information found on this website is strictly at your own risk. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer for using our website. Although we fully verify the information given on our website.

And for providing more knowledge and information, sometimes we provide hyperlinks of other websites on our website and clicking on that links you can visit other websites. Although we try to provide only quality websites' links for more and better information and knowledge purposes, please be careful when you visit other websites as we have no control over the content and nature of those websites. 

Those links to other websites do not apply to all content found on our website. Ownership and content of other sites may change without notice and may become "dead links" before we remove them. So please be aware when you leave our website and visit other website through those links. Other websites may have different terms and conditions or privacy policies that are beyond our control. If you experience any security threats from those websites or if you lose your personal data on those websites, then we don't make any warranties of that. It is strictly at your own risk when you visit those website. 

Although as we have already said that we try to provide secure and most authentic links but if you face any problems on these website, then it is beyond our control and so that we don't make any warranties of these problems. But if you face any problems while using our website, then you can contact us through our Email, Social media accounts etc. 

Always remember that by using our website, you hereby agree to our Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and its Terms and Conditions. And in future, if we change or update our website's terms and its privacy policy, then we'll  post those changes and updates here. 

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